Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Parabox just released the 12cm size Anime eyes E type and F type
at https://paraboxshop.jp/index_en_jpy_154.html !
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Ares2.0 machine painted head has been released! Also Ares2.0 Custom Basic set is available, too!
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Obitsu just released additional pairs of hands for the 24cm body!
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Most of the 24cm Obitsu bodies have been restocked. But we have to limit
one body for each style per transaction due to the limited stock. Thank
you for your understanding.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Parabox original Anime eyes Iris D 12mm size have been released!
Parabox original 47cm body has been back in stock!
And the 47cm Megu, Laura, and Gretel47 custom basic sets are available, too!
Megu: http://parabox.jp/eng_new/para_megu.html
Laura: http://parabox.jp/eng_new/para_laura.html
Gretel47: http://parabox.jp/eng_new/para_gretel47.html
Monday, May 1, 2017

Parabox Chara head & 24cm body custom basic sets are available to purchase! http://parabox.jp/eng_new/para_chara.html
New Obitsu 24cm bodies are ready to purchase at Parabox website! http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/24body.html Clothing for the 24cm body has been released at http://parabox.jp/eng_new/wear_24e.html
Saturday, April 22, 2017
The 60cm Obitsu body and the 27cm Obitsu male slim bodies are finally back in stock!
60cm Obitsu body: http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/60_body.html
27cm Obitsu slim bodies: http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/27m_s_head.html
The 11cm body white skin will be back late May. But most custom basic sets with the 11cm body are available now at
http://parabox.jp/eng_new/custom_basic.html !!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Parabox Anime eyes Iris D 22mm eyes have been released!
Great for the Hime-Ane head and the Sleeping Princess head!
Great for the Hime-Ane head and the Sleeping Princess head!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The Alice machine-painted head has been released! http://parabox.jp/eng_new/para_alice.html Also, the Alice full set with the new machine-painted head is available to purchase!
Saturday, March 4, 2017
1/3 scale Ichigo & Miruku unpainted Anime style heads have been released! They are good with the 40cm/45cm body. http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/4045head.html
Sunday, February 5, 2017
New Hikari C head dress set available! It comes in our new original package.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Parabox Neko (cat) head has been released! It is unpainted solid eyes head. http://parabox.jp/eng_new/11head.html
Friday, January 20, 2017
Parabox Kuma(bear) head has been released! Finally!! The Neko(cat) head will be released pretty soon. The Kuma(bear) head is perfect with the 11cm Obitsu white skin body. It has eye pockets for 8mm eyes.
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